Anatomica di Revolutis 3D Viewer

Anatomica di Revolutis on Kickstarter

Papercraft Skull Puzzle 3D Viewer

Anatomica di Revolutis on Kickstarter

Crania Revolutis iPhone5 case 3D Viewer

Anatomica di Revolutis on Kickstarter

6 Primitives Chain 3D Viewer

Anatomica di Revolutis on Kickstarter

Crooked Cairn 3D Viewer

Anatomica di Revolutis on Kickstarter

Crania Revolutis 3D Viewer

Anatomica di Revolutis on Kickstarter

Phoenix Revolutis 3D Viewer

Anatomica di Revolutis on Kickstarter

Crania Anatomica Filigre

 #1 MOST FUNDED SCULPTURE PROJECT IN KICKSTARTER HISTORY! Now available here through the online store.

See here for more details about Crania Anatomica Filigre sculpture & the groundbreaking Kickstarter project.


Nesmin Forensic Facial Reconstruction

Egyptian priest Nesmin digital forensic facial reconstruction for Dr. Branislav Andelkovic with the University of Belgrade. The mummy is from approx. 300BC.


little fun with Oprah/Shepard Fairey mashup